Terms & Conditions


The Agreement between the Client and TraveloWork:
Dear clients, we welcome you to the company terms and conditions page, and we were hoping you could read it carefully as it shapes the relationship between you and us. We apply our conditions stated below when you book or use any other service on TraveloWork, be it one or more.


General Terms and Conditions:
When you log in to or use our online platform, you accept and agree to the terms and conditions present in this agreement without any amendment, replacement, or restriction. By your acceptance, you are guaranteed your legal right to enter into this agreement and use the platform by setting out terms and conditions.

The following are the terms and conditions of using our platform:

  • You must be 18 years old or older.
  • You must have the full legal and legitimate authority to enter into this agreement and use the platform by the set-out terms and conditions.
  • You must agree that you bear full legal and financial responsibility when you use the platform (except when your account is used by others, including minors living with you).
  • You must agree to supervise and bear full responsibility for all users of the platform, including children who use your name or account, and inform others whom you booked on behalf of the terms and conditions of booking, including all the rules and restrictions applied.
  • You must ensure the accuracy, validity, and completion of all information you or your family members provide when using the platform and warrant that you will not use the website for any business purpose.
  • If you have an account on our platform, we should protect its information, but kindly note that you are responsible for supervising this information concerning the use of your account by you or others.


By using TraveloWork’s platform, you accept the following:

  • You will not take any action that could cause any damage to the platform or its infrastructure.
  • You will not upload any files that contain viruses or any other destructive files and will not use any programs to block or destroy the platform.
  • You will not post, distribute, or upload any data that are considered libelous, offensive, invasive, harmful, threatening, abusive, obscene, racist, or inappropriate, or any illegal content and information. You will not send any series of unwanted e-mails and spam messages.
  • You will not threaten, disturb, abuse, disrupt, or violate others’ rights, including their ones.
  • You will not obtain or try to get any unauthorized access to the platform or any user account and will not impersonate or falsify the identity of any other user.
  • You will not do, cause, or allow anything to violate the platform’s intellectual property rights or those of our partners or any other parties.
  • You will not take any illegal action which could hold you responsible before the law.
  • You will not, in any way, violate this agreement or any applicable legislation.
  • If we notice that you broke any of these terms and conditions and your use of the platform proved the opposite, then we reserve the right to:
    • Warn you against violating these terms and conditions and ask you to end this behavior.
    • Delete any data or content that you could’ve published without warning you.
    • Take measures that include terminating, suspending, or restricting your access to and use the platform.
    • Cancel any bookings you could’ve made without informing you.
    • Report any of your activities to Internet Service Providers or the concerned authorities.
    • Take legal actions against you.


Terms and conditions: Booking conditions & information’s

Package Holidays
Single Components
All Bookings

A. Package Holidays:

1. Your Contract/Financial Protection
A contract will exist between you and us when we issue a confirmation voucher/invoice/receipt.


2. Price Changes
Changes in transportation costs, including the cost of fuel, dues, taxes, or fees chargeable for services such as landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports and exchange rates mean that the price of your travel arrangements may change after you have booked.
Please note that travel arrangements purchased in local currency and some apparent changes directly impact the price of your travel due to contractual and other protection in place.


3. Changes you make before travel (excluding name changes)
If you want to change any of your Package reservations, please contact us, and we will do all we can to help you. Our standard cancellation charges (as per contracted offer) will apply if you make any changes to your arrangements.


4. We will charge for any additional services, facilities, or other items changed at the price that applies when the change is made. Any booking discount you may have received when the original booking was made may alter or reduce whenever changes are made.

For satisfied optional extras, such as transfers & insurance, you will also have to pay cancellation charges.


5. Cancellation by You
To cover our expected losses for the transport and accommodation services we pay for in advance, 100% cancellation charges may apply.


6. Changes Made by Us before Travel
If any modification has a significant effect on your holiday, we will tell you about it before your departure.
Suppose you do not want to accept a significant change, which we will tell you before your Package holiday. In that case, we will, if we can do so, offer you an alternative Package of equivalent or superior quality at no extra cost, or a less expensive Package holiday, in which case we will refund the price difference. If you do not wish to take the alternative we offer you, you can choose another Package holiday from us and pay, or receive a refund of, any price difference. 


7. Circumstances Beyond Our Control
Except where we say differently elsewhere in these conditions, we cannot pay any compensation, reimburse expenses, or cover losses for any amount, or otherwise accept responsibility if, as a result of circumstances beyond our control, we have to change your Package holiday after departure, or we, or our suppliers, cannot supply your Package holiday, as we, or they, had agreed, or you suffer any loss or damage of any description.
When we refer to circumstances beyond our control, we mean any event that we, or the supplier in question, could not foresee or avoid, even after taking all reasonable care. Such circumstances will usually include, but are not limited to, war, terrorist activity, civil unrest, industrial dispute, bad weather (actual or threatened), and significant building work ongoing outside of your accommodation, which is not known to us in advance of your departure date and building work from a third party (such as resort development).

8. Our Liability to You
Our obligations, and those of our suppliers providing any service or facility involved in any of your Package holidays, are to take reasonable skill and care to arrange for the provision of such services and facilities and, where our supplier or we are providing the service or facility, to provide them with reasonable skill and care. Compliance with any applicable regulatory requirements (such as those of the Civil Aviation Authority & local authority) will be the proper performance of our and our suppliers’ obligations. You must show that reasonable skill and care haven’t been used if you wish to make any claim.
You are obliged to assist us in recovering any sum from any third party which may compensate us for any amounts we pay you. In particular, you are compelled to assign to us any rights that you may have against any other person whose acts or omissions have caused or contributed to our legal liability to pay you compensation. You must also provide us with all the assistance we may reasonably require. Finally, you must follow the procedures for the notification of complaints set out in the clause below entitled “If you have a complaint.”
Other than as set out above and as detailed elsewhere in these booking conditions, we shall have no legal liability whatsoever to you for any loss, damage, personal injury, or death that you suffer from directly or indirectly from any aspect of your Package holiday.


B. Single Components:
1. Price Changes
Price increases may occur before full payment is received from you, and you will be liable to pay any such increases in total. Thereby incurring any relevant cancellation charges and then making a new booking, which will be subject to availability and any additional price increase. Transfer of any other type of booking is subject to the supplier’s terms and conditions and the applicable amendment or cancellation charges.


2. Cancellation/Amendment
Bookings for Single Components may be amended or canceled by the relevant supplier’s terms and conditions and subject to the supplier’s amendment and cancellation charges.


3. Our Liability to You
we act solely as a booking agent for the relevant supplier, and as such, have no liability whatsoever to you for any death, personal injury, or loss of whatever nature you may suffer unless caused by our negligence.


C. All Bookings
1. Payment terms
You will be advised at the time of booking what payment is required for your particular arrangements. PLEASE NOTE “FAILURE TO PAY ON TIME WILL RESULT IN CANCELLATION.”


2. Method of Payment
Bank Transfer: We preferred this payment method as you are receiving confirmation with a receipt that the money has interfered with within our bank account.

Credit Cards: We accept only MasterCard and Visa. Customers choosing to use this payment method will be subject to a credit card handling fee of which will be advised at the time of booking. Please note that you can use your credit card as a form of guarantee to book hotels or cars and that you will have to finalize payment when you receive the service. You may use your credit card for booking flights provided that you will sign the airline form at one of our branches before the ticket is issued. Please note that you may be asked to provide documentation to confirm your identity and ownership of the credit card used. This documentation will include a copy of your passport and a copy of your credit card’s back and the front.



3. Complaints
If you are not satisfied with any aspect of your travel arrangements, please present your claim as soon as possible to the relevant person (for example, the hotel management).
If they cannot help, you must contact us on the telephone number (of branch/travel counselor) supplied to you on your invoice/receipt, and we will do everything reasonably possible to sort the problem out.


4. Personal Information
We will provide your personal information, as well as any personal information you provide concerning those other persons who from your booking party to suppliers and carriers to enable the operation of the services requested by you.
If you make special requests, which include, but are not limited to, special dietary, religious, or disability-related requirements, which constitute sensitive information, the relevant data will also be passed to the related suppliers and carriers to enable the provision of the services to you.


5. Your Responsibility
We wish exciting trips to all our customers and an enjoyable and carefree journey. But kindly note that, first and foremost, you must remember that you are responsible for your actions and their consequences and the effect they may have on others.
Suppose we think your behavior could affect our employees, agents, or suppliers. In that case, your booking might be canceled, and this means that TraveloWork or the suppliers may ask you to leave your accommodation at your own expense.


6. Our Responsibility
TraveloWork is an intermediary between the client and the supplier. Any changes in the data and information policies are mainly subject to the suppliers’ terms and conditions. The client does not have the right to claim compensation from TraveloWork, as it is just an intermediary.
In case that TraveloWork’s contract ends or the company ceases its activities, all the bookings will be refunded, and they will have to make new bookings on their own.

TraveloWork spares no effort to provide the most accurate information to its customers. However, some mistakes may occur from time to time, including but not limited to the following: description of the product, service, programs, or information; the name of the product, service, programs, or data; availability of the product, service, programs, or data; price of a product or a service; photos for a product or a service; etc. If you have any concerns regarding any information on our platform, please call our travel experts, who are available to help you 24/7, and they will answer all your questions. Our partners and we will not be held responsible for any financial or moral damage you suffer as a result of any mistake in the information provided on our platform.


7. Modifying the Terms and Conditions
TraveloWork can change these terms and conditions without prior notice. The new terms and conditions will become effective once they are published on the website, but they will not be applied retroactively to the bookings that have already been completed. After the modifications made to the terms and conditions, your continued use of the site means that you agree to these modifications.

8. Law and Jurisdiction
Your contract will govern by Indian, and any disputes will deal with the courts of Delhi (India).

I hope the above meets your satisfaction and needs, and please do not hesitate to contact us.